Leadership Training

The High Performer Program

Results of this Program

 An organisational assessment was done at Zincor after the Neuro-link High Performer program.

Zinkor hoped to achieve a 3 % improvement. An 8 % result was achieved.


Auditor General, SASOL, TOYOTA SA , Chevron (United Kingdom), ESCOM Sishen, Houers Koop.

Professional Bodies. ASTD

Developing all workers from the lowest level up to senior management level

Outcomes of the program:


Identify each individual's potential


Enhance Emotional intelligence


Increase performance


Accelerate Learning


Develop Value Driven Leadership


Maintain mental wellness


Manage Diversity


Develop Positive self esteem


Stress Management


Manage oneself and others effectively


Work faster and smarter


To align your personal, purpose mission and vision with organizational strategies

This program consists of the following modules. All modules offered are on NQF level 4 and 5

Module 1(a) - 12 Emotional Intelligence Competencies Profile & Module 1(b) - Brain Profile

Module 1(a) EQ profile.

The EQ profile is the basis of all training in this program. This is a profile that establishes an individual’s Emotional Intelligence.

It’s very important for decision makers to understand the importance of this profile, seeing that ANY training
whatsoever in this program has to start here so that the individual can know and understand himself.

It is a blue-print to scientifically develop the intra and interpersonal competencies that determines a person’s success and effectiveness in life and the workplace.

Module 1(b) Brain profile in order to establish learning receptiveness.

This is a brain profile in order to establish learning receptiveness.

The profile is a 20 page report that assesses Learnability, Learning preferences, unique neurological design, to obtain better results in the workplace and with co-workers.

It shows strengths and weaknesses. How information is processed by an individual.

The profile indicates how an individual will act in stressful situations and what can be done to manage it. It’s also used in order to develop potential. It gives feedback on 9 different brain profiles and assesses an individual holistically.

Duration: 1 day

Module 2 - Develop Vision and Purpose

Discovering your unique reason for “being”.

Aids in discovering your unique reason for “being”. It creates meaning from life’s experiences.

It develops vision, meaning and purpose. It is essential for all people and organisations to be on-purpose in a turbulent world. To be on-purpose is what anchors people and organisations during periods of change.

Duration: 1 Day SAQA Unit Standard – 15094

Module 3 - Mind Power and the 7 Brain Basics

Understand the brain with tips, tools and techniques.

A brain based guide to understand the brain with tips, tools and techniques in order to increase performance in the workplace. Change behaviour and practice personal mastery.

Becoming more brainfit and integrated.

Duration: 1 Day SAQA Unit Standard – 13927

Module 4 - coping with change, Managing Stress and Maintaining Wellness

Holistic proactive brain based approach on 11 skills to cope with change.

A holistic proactive brain based approach on 11 skills to cope with change, manage stress and maintain wellness. Identify stress levels and symptoms and how it impacts on work and personal relationships. Creating mental wellness and empowering employees to effectively protect themselves against the harmful impact of stress and habitual negativity, ought to be one of the major developmental focus points in any organization.

Duration: 1 Day SAQA Unit Standard – 15096

Module 5 - Social Awareness

Brain based perspective understanding another’s truth.

A brain based perspective understanding another’s truth, sincerely caring for them and accurately interpreting their behaviours.

It contains suggestions to increase service orientation.

Toxicity and detoxifying mindsets.

Duration: 1 Day SAQA Unit Standard – 115835

Module 6 - Interpersonal Communication and Conflict Resolution

Brain based approach on interpersonal communication and conflict resolution.

A brain based approach on interpersonal communication and conflict resolution.

Includes communication styles like communication skills, and resolving interpersonal conflict through

4 communication stereotypes, communication process, flexibility.

Duration: 1 Day SAQA Unit Standard – 12433

Module 7 - Team Functioning

How strong values, specifically trust and collaboration create team synergy.

How strong values, specifically trust and collaboration create team synergy.

Develops high trust culture. Suggestions to strengthen social bonds and social cohesion.

Why teams do not work.

Establishing team values.

Duration: 1 Day SAQA Unit Standard – 13947

Module 8 - Servant Leadership

Sustainable Leadership in the 21st Century.

Sustainable Leadership in the 21st Century. Shows the different kinds/types of leaders and which one are you, and how to influence others. Alignment between personal and organisational purpose.
Basic principles of servant leadership. Accurate awareness, conceptualisation and stewardship.

Commitment to growth of people and building community. Persuasion-seek to convince rather than pull rank.

Duration: 1 Day SAQA Unit Standard – 15094

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